- Robert FrostIt's that magical time of the year again and no, not Christmas. There's slinging mud in the air and propaganda everywhere. And, just like with the remixes of classic Christmas music playing far into January, everyone is absolutely, positively sick of it. And Voltaire and Camus? They'd be the sickest.
Well, not the sickest. But some of them.
Voltaire would not vote at all. The last theme of Candide is that we must cultivate our own gardens, not to have the government cultivate it for us. The characters no matter what happens determine their own fate, separate from societal influences. We are not what society is onto us and thus voting would not matter.
Camus definitely wouldn't vote. If he was as detached as Mersault was, he wouldn't even think of voting.
i like your alternative take on Voltaire's perspective.. emphasizing more so on the novel's end of Candide, rather than Voltaire's various satirical political views presented in the earlier stages of the story